What is PISCES?

PISCES is software and data describing the best-known ranges for California's native fish. The data are compiled from multiple sources and experts and is stored and exported as rangemaps and summary maps. As of September 2012, it includes data on about half of the state's 129 native fish taxa. This site contains exported data for those taxa, but does not yet include compiled maps.

PISCES was developed with funding from the USDA Forest Service Region 5 and in collaboration with numerous experts in fish biology and distribution in California.


PISCES is both software and a database containing information of fish species distribution in California historically, and in the present, according to primary source data, models, and leading experts. The software standardizes and stores the source data. PISCES also can be flexibly configured to output this data in ways that correlate multiple variables and in multiple formats for analysis.


PISCES is a project of the UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences and was developed by Jacob Katz, Peter Moyle, Ryan Peek, Nick Santos, Andy Bell, Rebecca Quiñones, and Joshua Viers, with the website developed by Elena Lopez, Amrit Subramanian, Sydney Vickery, and Dave Waetjen.